Sunday, January 31, 2010

What a tiring day!

Akhirnya, YongYong telah pun tidur lena setelah seharian bermain dan bermanja denganku. Perasaan bahagia sebagai seorang ibu yang kini dapat menatap wajah satu-satunya anak yang dikasihi dan dirindui saban malam, tidak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Biar pun kepenatan dan geram dengan sifat manjanya, aku dapat merasakan kini YongYong tahu aku siapa selama ini yang hanya muncul sesekali menziarahinya. Walaupun dia masih kecil, tapi nalurinya dapat membezakan. Aku yakin yang itu.
Flash back on what had happened all the way from Kota Kinabalu to Johor.

YongYong and Daddy. I think YongYong's daddy is in the mood of 'sedih' but of course he wouldn't cry in public like i always do every time i fly back to Johor without YongYong!

1. 6.55am flight from KK to Johor ; while waiting to boarding the flight me and YongYong play 'run, hide and seek' at the waiting area. Adoii..penat wweeii main kejar-kejar. Dia pula tidak pandai penat..i expecting that to happen since YongYong will never stay and sit more than 2 minutes unless he is very tired. but i never thought he is dare enough to run away from me and join the passengers to Kuching that was lining up waiting for their baording pass to be checked. Aiyooo..sampai ada satu urang lelaki dukung dia dan hantar balik sama sia..bikin malu mummy ja. Tapi time tu, sia buat cool ja konon. Padahal memang malu nda dapat kejar YongYong..hehehe..!

2. In the plane: YongYong made friends with the passengers sat behind us! Adooii..macam-macam dia try cakap sama tu orang di belakang..but one word he kept talking is 'bang' = kapal terbang. I guess he wanted to tell the passengers behind ' ini kapal terbang, kan? Nasib la itu orang layan YongYong.

3. At the Senai terminal: while waiting for our luggage, sempat lagi kami main kejar-kejar..he just can't stop..terpaksa sia kasi naik dia di troli luggage supaya dia tidak lari sana sini.

there he is still admiring the aircraft. Sampai tidak mau keluar dr terminal.

4. On the way to Pasir Gudang by a taxi : he vomited. I was panicked. He turn pale and look weak. I just remember that he didn't eat any solid food since 5am. I couldn't do anything other than wait till we reached home.

6. Arrived at home: I feed him straight away. Rice porridge from Marry Brown seems to suit his appetite. After that, he looked fresh again and start his routine again. huurmm..thanks God.

7. At home: he playing with his toys. tricycle and when he bored, he turn to me and say 'kung' means 'dukung'..naa..yang ni yang susah sikit. He wouldn't let me sit down or do anything else. Spoil boy!

Now, i'm waiting for tomorrow. His first day with his new babysitter. My neighbour, Kak Ani. Nervous.
I hope everything gonna be good 2mrw.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

'Breach of Contract'

Hari ni hari Rabu sudah lorr.. another one day to go. Macam countdown pula kan.):
Day at office was a bit quite since most of my colleagues went to attend the Kursus Kepenggunan at PJB Dewan Besar.
Lucky me because i'm not involve and i don't have to cancel my Hospitality Law class today. Banyak la topik mau cover, kalau postpone kelas lagi mesti tidak habis syllabus.

Well, what's with the title 'Breach of contract'?
Ngengenge..Nancy ko tau ni kan..Boleh jadi peguam sudah ni lepas habis semester. Hospitality Law yang di sini agak detail. Nda macam yang kita ajar di ACIC dulu. Terpaksa sia belajar dan fahami betul tu nota..tapi i like it konon..enjoy ajar tu budak-budak (Semester 6).

After office hour, my housemate ajak shopping..hohoohoo..itu yang ter 'breach of contract' tu. Kontrak dengan diri sendiri. Langgar peraturan. Bilang tidak mau beli kalau tiada dalam senarai akhirnya sia beli juga..uwauwauwaa..okay la, ini la kali terakhir dlm bulan ni. Bulan depan lain cerita lg la..hehhe..
What did i bought? this time i bought one thing for me..Tadaaa!!!
eisehh..tak mo la simpan gambar sini. Sia beli kasut. Cantik..brand tiada di sabah yet. FABIANO RICCO. Price not bad. affordable. biasa ja. i like it because it is very light. colour so sweet, just like my handphone colour..light pink.
And tommorrow sia mau pakai first time pigi karaja..hehehe..macam nda sabar mau pakai.
I called YongYong just now. He is in his good mood i guess.
He kept repeated these on the phone 'mama papa, mama papa, mama papa, papa mama, papa mama. (at the same time his finger pointing at our wedding picture on the wall).
Other words he usually pronounce when talking to me on the phone are:
1. Nenen (means his milk bottle),
2. bang (means kapal terbang),
3. yam (means ayam),
4. nek (means naik and nenek),
5. men (means main playstation with her daddy)
6.'kan' means ikan..
At the moment, i just cant wait to hug and give him kisses. Lots of kisses!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How about my Tuesday?

Life today is just so-so but still grateful for everything i gone through. Itu mesti la kan..
Since i have no lecture the whole day, i took the opportunity to prepare class attendance sheets, preparing questions for assignment and etc..routine in every beginning of semester..A lecture's life!
No regret, its my choice to be here: or to be true 'its my choice to be a lecturer.

In the evening, at first i don't have any plan to go out but then suddenly my bro called ask for some financial help. So, i went to one of the Shopping Complex where cash deposit machine is still opened till midnight i guess. Done at the cash deposit machine. So, where do you think i'm heading?
Shopping Complex!!!
Oh no, it was really not a good idea because i promised to cut my shopping expenses especially on unplanned things..tapi itu kaki sia kan menghala juga ke sana ba..hishh.
But hey..i was VERY good today because i didn't buy anything for myself. I shopped for YongYong needs..lucky Yong2 kan. I bought him a new Baby Kiko sweater, two new milk bottles (Baby Kiko brand oso), a big packet of formula milk and also a big bag of Drypers Drypantz..i found that pants type of diapers are easier to handle especially when My YongYong refuses to lay down to wear his diapers.
Hmm..let me think back..wuaa.. I just bought three milk bottles last month and sweater lama dia pun masih ada dan masih boleh pakai..Aiyoo...nda pa la..well, Lucky you My YongYong..every month you will get a new milk bottles of different shapes..hehee..
tia tau kenapa, saya suka beli botol susu yang bermacam-macam bentuk. I always adore the pink colour but..err..tak kan sia mau bagi YongYong pink pula kan..hello mummy, i'm a boy okay!-mungkin YongYong akan cakap begitu kalau sia beli colour pink kan..hahha!Mummy wouldn't do that my boy!
Oh yeah..just now, i called the RHB Bank customer service centre to report about my credit card..huhuu..kena blok ba sia punya online transaction, trus nda dapat beli tiket ni..geram betul,ermm..salah sy juga sbb lupa-lupa ingat tu password sia. The person who picked up my call was a guy. Funny sebab mula-mula cakap slang semenanjung tapi mungkin dia nampak details sia orang Sabah, trus slang dia berubah jadi bunyi Sabahan. At first i ignore and i mantain my slang semenanjung juga, tapi lama-lama makin dia cakap Sabahan. So, sia tanya la dia orang sabah ka apa. Iya dia cakap. Trus berbual sekejap ni, siap tanya2 Sabah mana lagi..hahha..maksudnya orang tu nda sombong la kan. Jumpa Sabahan, cakap Sabahan.Walau pun di telefon ja. Hidup Sabahan!!Peace no war!! eisehh..tiba2 pula ni..
Okay, enough for today update..mau sambung belajar law lagi ni. Bisuk ada kelas, subjek law nda buli tipu2 @ kelentong sama budak2..nanti kena saman sia bg info salah..
oraiitt..caw cincau!!!
till then.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Monday

Its Monday.
Its the third day of Mourning Week for all Johorian after the death of Sultan Johor.
I was still a bit worried since i'm not Johorian and i'm not sure if i must dress the proper attire for mourning or not.The government had early announced that for seven days, Johorian must wear white shawl for female Muslims, and white-stripped Songkok for male. While for non-Muslim, they must wear a piece of black cloth on their arm.

Well, today to office i wore my brown baju kurung. No black-piece of cloth at my hand. Arrived at office, i can see most Muslims colleague were wearing white shawl/tudung. While, male staff put on their white- striped Songkok. One of my colleague said he cut his white unused shirt to make the white stripe on his Songkok..(haha..dia bilang yang baju kursus BTN yang memang nda buli pakai sudah sebab budak sekolah saja pakai).

Have you ever heard if you are not following the mourning dress code,authority will punish you? It happens here in Johor. Colleagues mentioned many of their friends already kena saman while their on the way to office for not following the dress-code. My only Indian's colleague remind me to follow because her friend was fined rm70 by the police this morning. Another colleague who is just came back from a shopping complex also told us that she saw a person was fined rm300 for the same offense. Na..daripada kena saman/denda bagus ikut saja kan..Muslim's friend who's not wearing white tudung also changed immediately when our head of department told them to do so. Authorities are also checking people in shopping complexes. So, beware if you are visiting Johor at this moment ya..Its not aim to burden people but its to make people respect the late as their former Sultan.

Hmm..its a new experience for me living in one of the state ruled by a King..good for me.

Oh yeah..forgot to mentioned that today is also pay day for govt servants.hehehee.. I transferred money here and there and..uhhhaa....and guess how much $$$$$ left in my account? errr..boleh planning for shopping this time around. Mau berjimat kononnya..i tell my housemate 'kalau satu baju, boleh lagi la'..hahhaa, woman! I must disciplined myself lorr..(*^^).

This evening, me and housemate were so lazy to cook. So, we had our dinner at restaurant nearby our house.(teda kereta jadi x ble g jauh2..~~~~)

Above: Restoran Masakan Tomyam
Below: we chose to sit at the open air where cars passing by every now and then. Sambil makan sambil sedut asap kereta..hahha..

Below: my housemate sipping her Teh Tarik..(picture published with her permission)

I ate Tomyam Bihun..just so-so. Taste spicy. Untill now i still can feel the 'spicy' in my stomach..panas perut ni, confirm esok pagi cirit-birit!

My housemate had this Mee Bandung. she claimed it is too spicy..i tried it, memang spicy but yummy.

Well, that's my Monday all about. No Monday blues lorr..its only in our mind set. Kalau fikir Monday Blues, maka 'blue' la Monday anda..

(Eh hehey..i can't wait for Thursday woo!!)

till then!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

3 in 1

Hi people! i'm a bit crazy this time around. Sense of blogging come. Too many things occupying my mind but its hard to interpret it in a writing form.
hmm..maybe because i'm alone at home. So mind is working fast and furios, hahaha! thinking what to do to kill time.

Right now, I'm still wearing jeans and blouse; facing my laptop -blogging, facebook-ing, reading and preparing short notes for Hospitality Law for next week class and at the same time watching tv a crazy woman o kan.
In this picture are my lappy, hospitality law notes and television switched on. Eh, why i'm not in a? of course la, who's taking picture if not me? it a sign of boredom? taking picture of nothing and publish it in blog. But, who cares right? like many other bloggers, i'm blogging for what i'm doing-orang sabah cakap 'suka hati sia la mau tulis apa '..

Err..i'll not be like this if my son and hubby is around..sob, sob,sob..mau balik!!!!
(mau nangis dulu 5 minit)

Okay, time is over..tears wiped off. I think its time take my bath now. Its almost 10pm.

p/s: whoever reading this entry, i'm sorry if u totally can't understand my point..rambling of a long distance mum that couldn't express her feeling into words.
Its Saturday. All Johorian mourning starting today after the death of Sultan Johor last nite. R.I.P Sultan...'rakyat Johor diarahkan berkabung 7 hari'.. Err..what i hope actually all government departments 'dicutikan' minggu depan..ehehee..need to find out from my Johorian colleague later on. If yes, i'll change my flight which i already booked on 28th evening to tommorrow..(day dreaming!!(*_^).

Oh yeah, I suppose to do hair treatment at 1.30pm today at one of the hair care centre in Johor Bahru, in which i booked since 2 weeks ago. 15 minutes before the appointment, the centre called me to cancel the appointment because they HAVE to closed within 30 minutes time. I was a bit mad at their sudden decision and reacted not so proper to the girl on line..ya la..da penat2 naik teksi datang sana mau buat hair treatment, tiba2 kena cancel..haiyoo..siapa yang nda bengang kan. At that time, i was only few steps from the hair care centre's door... huh! I told the girl, since i'm almost there, i will come to set a new appointment. So, my new appointment is on 6th March. The front desk lady told me that it is due to the Sultan Johor death. Hopefully there will be no more SULTAN passed away on that day.

Later on, i found out that the shopping complex management have ordered all the premises closed before plan to go window shopping after my appointment 'dicancelkan' have to be forgotten..huhuuu..wrong timing ha?, what i do next? i stepped out from the complex, straight to the bus station, took a bus heading back. And know, here i ended writing this entry for my thing i glad, i saved a lot of money today.BIG congrates to me!!kalau tidak mesti habis 1-2ratus shopping yang nda dirancang..hahaa..woman!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Things would be very different if.. spare a bit of your anger and give me a little respect!

I really wants to keep it by myself but i think its better to share it. Sharing is caring right? ):.

This is the ONLY thing that really mark 2009 in my life. I can say it's the BITTER. Whole of my life i never met a friend who acted so childish and give up friends over a very small matter.

Okay, let me share you this incident about three housemates (A, B and C(me)) went shopping for one week kitchen groceries supply. Previously, they used to happily go shopping together for kitchen supplies.

Early on after work A and B were agreed that they wanted to eat; 'Crabs cooked with Chilli sauce ' for the dinner.

So at the market, they were happily picking their preferred vegetables, fish, fruits and other kitchen needs.

Arrived at one stall selling fresh crabs;

A : C, Look! These crabs are fresh. Should we buy from this stall?

C: Hmmm..okay. The price is also reasonable.(RM10 per kilo). Ini ketam pun masih berat. Masih banyak isi. (i learn this from my father: ketam berat maksudnya masih banyak isi).

B came a minute later and say:

B: Mahal la..(while looking at the price tag and show disagree face).

A with sour face;

A: Ba, kalau kamu mau beli, beli la! ('A' say it with a high and rough voice tone)

After that A leave B and C and the Crab Stall Owner, dumbfounded. What was actually happened?

B and C were left speechless. But to cover the situation, B and C were pretending nothing happened and finally bought 3 crabs from the stall.(one for each of them la).

A never came back to join the rest of the shopping. Later C found out that A bought her own food separately. C still wondering what made A acted such a way and seems so irritated by B. B told C that perhaps A mad at her because she said the crab price was expensive.
C said:

C: What!!???just beacuse of that? But why? so childish!

The incident ruined their day even they pretend normal.

Back at home, cooking time. A never came down to the kitchen with B and C. Even the Crab cooked with Chilli Sauce B and C prepared, A never touched till the dish spoiled (her portion). C's kept reminding A to eat her portion. (c said, nanti kempunan). But the dish was remain untouched.

The stories about A, B and C not ended there..for about a month, A talk less and never joined B and C cooking (let alone dinner together). A only came down to kitchen when B and C already eaten and went into their room. A also never told B or C if she went out like she staying alone in the house! What an attitude as a housemate, right? since then,their days were not as happier as before. Meanwhile for B and C, things go on as usual because there is nothing between them. Still good friends.

Days passed by. There is no improvement in A's attitude. In this situation, C felt that A really pissed of by B and nothing to do with her. However, A seems treating C the same way. C kept trying hard to fix the situation but she failed. A acted the same way. A only talk when B or C talk first.

Then suddenly C realized that she ever posted something on her facebook status about the incident because C regretted and couldn't understand why A acted such way and C 100% sure that because of the post, A behave the same way towards her. C felt guilty but things will never could be fixed out again. Even worse!

Presently, A is no longer staying with B and C. Since B and C seems can get along to each other, they decided to move out from the old house they rented and moved in to new one where they can start a new story as a good friend.

Meanwhile for C, she still keep things in her heart about A's attitude toward her in the passed. She kept in heart that A never told her face to face that she wanted to move out from the house. She only heard it from outsiders. In C's opinion, as a housemate, if someone wanted to move out from the house then she must informed B and C nicely about her intention. At least show your respect to your housemate, right? This is another thing that C regretted about A. Until now.

C having a hard time to find strength to talk to A. Its all about the DISAPOINTMENT C's keep in her heart since then.

So dearest friends,
Please help C's with her DISAPOINTMENT by living your comment after reading..C's will appreciate it so much and hope C's could do something with it.

(Amazingly, i feel much better after i wrote down my DISAPPOINTMENT in my blog).

Love ya and Thank you.

Holla people!

Holla people!

At first happy new year 2010!

did u say i was too late to wish everyone new year? hehee..its only the 10th day of 2010 ba..baru sepuluh hari..tapi sia rasa lama betul sudah sia berada di tahun 2010.

As for me there are things that mark the transition of year 2009 to 2010. There are:

1. I'm still serving Johor Bahru Polytechnic. That's clearly explain my application for transfer to Kota Kinabalu Polytechnic was failed..keeping the faith for this semester. God's willing.

2. Me and housemate moved to a new house on 3rd January. leaving all the bitter memory at the old house..i'll keep what it was about..

3. Being alone again. Without my beloved Yong2. Telephone bill increased (RM10-2 days!) I should change to postpaid this year.

4. I started the year 2010 with tears..siapa yang nda sedih kalau berpisah dengan family kan. Still remember on 2nd January i fly back to Johor, sia duduk ja di dalam kapal terbang sia nangis sudah sampai la di rumah..and that leads me to fever and flu the whole week. Its a terrible HOMESICK experience. I took no medicine to cure it.Only plain water and now i'm better.

That's my early year 2010 all about. Not so encouraging right? But life goes on.

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