Hehehe..2 entries in one day. Just now, i checked my laptop's drive D and found a folder of my studio wedding pictures.Looking at each of them, my mind suddenly re-calling the moment of truth we had 3 years ago. There are pictures that i like the most and feeling like to share it here. Here they go:
The white gown..
The white gown..

All the pictures above taken by Mr Boniface, Owner of the Millenium Video Production, Buhavan Square, Donggongon Penampang. Package price was very reasonable and affordable, yet guaranteed quality of pictures. (Promote sikit..) Just ask me if anyone interested.
Mine was only RM1500 includes 2 big hard cover albums, Big framed pictures (forgot the measurement), for reception display, 2 bride's gowns with accessories, 2 male's coats, bible boy vest, car decoration, outdoor picture (place of your choice). Invitation card is not included because i did my own design.
However, i do not update myself with his new rate since last year, where my cousin also took his studio wedding picture there.
Mine was only RM1500 includes 2 big hard cover albums, Big framed pictures (forgot the measurement), for reception display, 2 bride's gowns with accessories, 2 male's coats, bible boy vest, car decoration, outdoor picture (place of your choice). Invitation card is not included because i did my own design.
However, i do not update myself with his new rate since last year, where my cousin also took his studio wedding picture there.