This is a belated entry. It supposed to be posted yesterday (right after the incident).
Its about an incident happened to me after my lecture yesterday's afternoon. After reading you decide in what categories this incident should be. I'm not sure how to start but i think this will work:
Conversation between me and a student.
Me: AKMAL (student)!!!! (dengan nada menjerit terkejut sebab terdengar bunyi sesuatu terkoyak).Student: Kenapa Miss, kenapa Miss? Sampai dia ulang dua kali sebab terkejut tiba2 sa jerit nama dia.Me: Koyak!! Dengan muka ntah tak tau camana nak cakap.Student: Apa yang koyak Miss? Muka hairan tapi tersengih.Me: Seluar! Sambil tangan meraba bahagian bawah 'buntuts' dan terasa tangan menyentuh kulit sendiri juga. Adoii..apa la..seluar sa terkoyak pasal tersangkut dekat bahagian tajam dihujung whiteboard dalam kelas tu.
Student: Haa..macamana boleh koyak Miss? Nda pa Miss, sa sporting juga. Rileks Miss, rileks. Sa cover Miss dari belakang. Wahh, concern ni budak ni.
Dia nampak panik juga bila tengok sa nda bergerak dari kedudukan sa sejak tadi.Me: Adoii..gila ni. Spontaneously, i took off my blazer and wear it on my waist (ala mcm kalau kita tak mo pakai tu sweater kita ikat di pinggang kan). Automatically the 'hole' yang koyak covered la.Student: Macam mana Miss? Okey? Sambil dia tengok sa dengan muka bersimpati..Me: Okey sudah ni. Boleh jalan sudah balik ofis. Dengan muka maintain dan pura2 rileks sa angkat laptop dan kertas nota, berjalan secepat mungkin balik ofis diikuti oleh tu student di belakang. On the way to the office beberapa students yang memang selalu ada di koridor kolej tegur tapi sia nda berapa peduli. Mau cepat2 sampai office.Adedeh..what an incident la happen to me yesterday. So miserable la me. Luckily during the unlucky incident, only one student left to help me packing the LCD projector that i used for lecturing. Back to the office, i told my collegues about it and they also LOL listening to my story. They even took a look at the 'koyak part' of my pants...hahahahaa..
Then, i called my hubby to fetch me up. Nda kan sa mo naik bas dengan seluar koyak..Nasib dia la dia free. Tapi sempat juga kasi ketawa sia pasal incident tu. heiyaa..
So to friends outhere, especially si Cikgu Nadia , hehehhe, hati2 ye bila masuk kelas, perhatikan betul2 sudut2 tajam ka, paku ka. Mana tau silap haribulan macam sa, tersangkut seluar dan koyak..malu ehh..nasib tu student sa kan yang bagus punya...