errk..Whats that stand for?
EEP=English Enhancement Program.
A 4 days course for every lecturer in order for us to maximize the use of English in teaching and learning process. I'm in the course, starting today till friday.
Oops, do not get me wrong. Now is our lunch time and will be back to the course at 2.30pm. Its clear that i'm not 'curi-curi' updating my blog during the course. Its not me. Course is course. I focus on it to make sure i gain all the knowledge from the speaker. I know some people like to surfing net, facebooking, listening to music or whatever which is not related to the course, just because they say 'kursus is boring'. It depends on how you set your mind, right?
The first session this morning, not so interesting and not so attractive. The way it carried out was like the learning and teaching process in class. Reading text and understanding the text. A bit boring. Only one slot was considered interesting. But lets see how is the progress, this afternoon.
Meanwhile, this is our picture during a short trip at Tg Balau Beach..Yong2 really had a great time playing sands and not afraid of the waves anymore like his first trip beach last May..Hampir dia nda mau balik oo.

Till then.
errk..Whats that stand for?
EEP=English Enhancement Program.
A 4 days course for every lecturer in order for us to maximize the use of English in teaching and learning process. I'm in the course, starting today till friday.
Oops, do not get me wrong. Now is our lunch time and will be back to the course at 2.30pm. Its clear that i'm not 'curi-curi' updating my blog during the course. Its not me. Course is course. I focus on it to make sure i gain all the knowledge from the speaker. I know some people like to surfing net, facebooking, listening to music or whatever which is not related to the course, just because they say 'kursus is boring'. It depends on how you set your mind, right?
The first session this morning, not so interesting and not so attractive. The way it carried out was like the learning and teaching process in class. Reading text and understanding the text. A bit boring. Only one slot was considered interesting. But lets see how is the progress, this afternoon.
Meanwhile, this is our picture during a short trip at Tg Balau Beach..Yong2 really had a great time playing sands and not afraid of the waves anymore like his first trip beach last May..Hampir dia nda mau balik oo.
Till then.