Just would like to share the recent event in Polytechnic Kota Kinabalu. The 15th Convocation on 19th - 20th July 2011.

The banner.

(Credit to Mr. Ahmad Kassim @ Ce' Mat - my colleagues and the photographer. Thank you for giving me permission using his photo in this blog)
Below, yours truly with colleagues after on duty for the whole day,taking a last minute chance to jalan-jalan at Gerai Konvo.

O yeah..my latest doctor check-up yesterday. I am weighing 57kg with 10 hb..everything great so far. Except for that hb level. Doctor set me for next check up next two weeks..huhu..have to work hard to level up my hb..some food contain high iron now in mind- must fill my fridge with them before the next check up..mau makan hari2..:)