Monday, January 2, 2012

Its the second day of the new year. 
Yesterday was a bright day. 
Today, plus breezy early morning. 
It looks like a good sign of a bright days ahead this year, right? Well, everyone hopes the same i think. 
Like as usual, i pretty sure each of us busy setting new resolution(s) to be achieved. 
For me, its not really a resolution but its more to a 'HOPE (s)' that will be accomplished : career wise. Yes. I mentioned it.  
Last year, i gave priority to my personal life rather than career due to my second pregnancy. This year, i hope i achieved another stage in what i am doing now. 
Yepp, in line with the new increment given by government to all government servants. I want to excel. Yes, that's it..but don't get me wrong excel in our work, it needs friends around to support and to work with..mesti bekerjasama la maksudnya. Tidak boleh sendiri-sendiri. Nanti kalau berjaya capai, celebrate sama2 dengan rakan sekerja,lagi terasa puas hati kan..One plan already in the middle of discussion among colleagues..projek besar dan melibatkan pelajar-pelajar juga..tidak sabar rasanya..;)

Tomorrow; my first day working after 3 months maternity leave. Another matter to think of. Baby is doing fine and very healthy. Baby sitter thingy done. 
Thanks God it is a good timing i deliver my second child because my younger sister is just finish her study in form 5..nah, apa lagi, terus saya sambar dia jaga baby Dane. 
The only thing is si Dane ni tidak mahu susu botol...huhu..i tried to train him tapi berabis menangis. Sehinggalah saya bagi breastfeed. I have no idea what will happen tomorrow. 
Memang akan berabis menangis..i also can imagined saya akan lari balik rumah mau kasi susu dia and then lari lagi pigi office sambung kerja...adodoi..tak tau la, just wait for tomorrow. For whatever it will happen, lets Lord take care of the rest la kan..
So for now, i better go to sleep. Really need to get my mind ready for tomorrow: First time leaving my new Baby Dane to work. Its going to be a tough day, i think.

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