Thursday, January 29, 2009

What happen when women conquer the world?

Hehehee..this is so nice to share with friends. An email forwarded by a friend of mine.

Should we women do this at office? Nah, gentleman..dun forget to put down the toilet seat after used ya..(*-^)

Exactly a woman la pula!

Phewwit!! Strictly for blue and red cars please..

Thinking of not only 2 in 1 makeup set? Maybe Douglas Engelbert should think to invent a new mouse version..

Hahahahahaa...i want a car that having this la..

Can u find 'ANY'?

Boleh jadi pelamin sudah ni..

Hope it will makes your day today ladies!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Back to work again.. lazy today. Since there is no lecture today, i've been sitting on my cosy chair, surfing internet, blogging, facebook-ing and friendster-ing and made my chair warm all day long! I'm pretty sure all the germs that living in my chair pengsan mati sudah kena panas..hihiii..

And its 3.30pm already and i still didn't touch any office work. Huahuahua..! Today, i've decided to be a real unproductive worker! Azam ni makan gaji buta hr ni..kuangkuang..

BTW, what you guys did during the 4 days off-work?

Me? Of course went back to my favorite destination ever: Kg. Lokoton, Kudat. My very peaceful village. So happy to be there at every chance i have. But this time, only me and my lil Yong Yong @ Daniel, my 9 months son. Sad, because hubby can't join. Have to be very patient if you married a hotel's staff. I mean, very small chance to get leave during Public Holiday (PH) because usually that's the time hotel is full house or high occupancy. Yeah, full house means, full complaints as well. That's why its not easy to get ur leave application approved..

Going back to kampung is always my first choice if given a choice where to go during PH. And having a strong reason nowadays because my lil Yong Yong needs to be familiarized with his grandmas and grandpas, nieces and nephews at Kampung. I don't want him to be familiar with only relatives from my hubby's sides..thanks God, he is learning.

Below are some pictures of him, enjoying his ride on his auntie's shoulder. Picture taken on Sunday afternoon while we were on the way home from church. We supposed to wait for my older brother to send us home by car, but we chose to walk, and again this is Yong Yong familiarisation to the kampung environment..hihi..

Mau posing juga untuk kamera

Sambil lompat2 mcm tu orang naik kuda

Above and below: Showing off his 'gigi tikus'

Yong2 with his aunt Nani and aunt Oying..

The time has comes to say goodbye

Finally, today has comes, my last working day in ACIC. Different kind of feeling suddenly comes over to my mind.

* Sad - leaving all my great friends here, sure i will miss the moments that we had shared through the years that has passed. Besides, i'll miss the internet freedom i've had here and the way we reacted when the line suddenly no internet connection. Will the people in my new office will react the same? Maybe no more this words: "Anu, panjat!" to refresh the internet line!

excited - i'll be in a new environment by next week or the week after. Not sure what kind of people attitude that i will confront. But SABAH BOLEH it monster, snake, firefly, fly @lalat, cicak, buaya..semua boleh masuk punya..environmental friendly ba ini..hahhaa..-lesson learned!

So, my dear blog and all my dear blogger's friends, my home will be in 'sleep mode' till everything is settle overthere in JB. I will miss u!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Its Friday again. Tomorrow is weekend plus 2 days CNY holidays. Horeeeeyyyy...nda sabar mo cuti!
To all Chinese friends : Wishing everyone Happy CNY

and to all of us yang menumpang cuti - Happy Holiday.

Have u ever..

This is a belated entry. It supposed to be posted yesterday (right after the incident).

Its about an incident happened to me after my lecture yesterday's afternoon. After reading you decide in what categories this incident should be. I'm not sure how to start but i think this will work:

Conversation between me and a student.

Me: AKMAL (student)!!!! (dengan nada menjerit terkejut sebab terdengar bunyi sesuatu terkoyak).

Student: Kenapa Miss, kenapa Miss? Sampai dia ulang dua kali sebab terkejut tiba2 sa jerit nama dia.

Me: Koyak!! Dengan muka ntah tak tau camana nak cakap.

Student: Apa yang koyak Miss? Muka hairan tapi tersengih.

Me: Seluar! Sambil tangan meraba bahagian bawah 'buntuts' dan terasa tangan menyentuh kulit sendiri juga. Adoii..apa la..seluar sa terkoyak pasal tersangkut dekat bahagian tajam dihujung whiteboard dalam kelas tu.

Student: Haa..macamana boleh koyak Miss? Nda pa Miss, sa sporting juga. Rileks Miss, rileks. Sa cover Miss dari belakang. Wahh, concern ni budak ni. Dia nampak panik juga bila tengok sa nda bergerak dari kedudukan sa sejak tadi.

Me: Adoii..gila ni. Spontaneously, i took off my blazer and wear it on my waist (ala mcm kalau kita tak mo pakai tu sweater kita ikat di pinggang kan). Automatically the 'hole' yang koyak covered la.

Student: Macam mana Miss? Okey? Sambil dia tengok sa dengan muka bersimpati..

Me: Okey sudah ni. Boleh jalan sudah balik ofis. Dengan muka maintain dan pura2 rileks sa angkat laptop dan kertas nota, berjalan secepat mungkin balik ofis diikuti oleh tu student di belakang. On the way to the office beberapa students yang memang selalu ada di koridor kolej tegur tapi sia nda berapa peduli. Mau cepat2 sampai office.

Adedeh..what an incident la happen to me yesterday. So miserable la me. Luckily during the unlucky incident, only one student left to help me packing the LCD projector that i used for lecturing. Back to the office, i told my collegues about it and they also LOL listening to my story. They even took a look at the 'koyak part' of my pants...hahahahaa..

Then, i called my hubby to fetch me up. Nda kan sa mo naik bas dengan seluar koyak..Nasib dia la dia free. Tapi sempat juga kasi ketawa sia pasal incident tu. heiyaa..

So to friends outhere, especially si Cikgu Nadia , hehehhe, hati2 ye bila masuk kelas, perhatikan betul2 sudut2 tajam ka, paku ka. Mana tau silap haribulan macam sa, tersangkut seluar dan koyak..malu ehh..nasib tu student sa kan yang bagus punya...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Around 2pm today, we (i and officemates) got to know one of our ex-student passed away two weeks ago..(May his soul rest in peace).

Terkejut juga dengan berita yang baru diterima. Tetapi akur dengan hukum alam, semua yang hidup akan kembali kepada-Nya.

Namun, apa yang membuat saya sedih, pelajar berkenaan pernah menjadi pelajar saya. Ketika dia masih belajar, kerap juga saya dan beberapa lecturer lain mengikuti perkembangan kesihatannya yang semakin memburuk. Kami juga sebenarnya tidak jelas apa penyakit yang dihidapinya. Namun, selepas seketika kami terlupa untuk terus mengikuti perkembangannya dan hanya mendengar berita bahawa dia sudah tiada. Ayahnya datang ke kolej sebentar tadi membawa sijil mati anaknya dan mungkin datang dengan tujuan menguruskan pinjaman PTPTN.

Walaupun ahli keluarganya mungkin tidak akan terbaca catatan ini, saya tetap mengucapkan TAKZIAH buat mereka sekeluarga. Semoga mereka tabah menghadapai apa yang telah berlaku.

Berita ini membuat saya selalu sedar bahawa nyawa kita bila-bila sahaja akan dicabut dari badan oleh-Nya. Tidak kisah la kita menghidap penyakit teruk atau tidak, atau kita sekarang kita sihat-bugar kalau sudah tiba masa, kita akan meninggalkan dunia ini.


Untuk diri sendiri dan semua kawan2, sementara masih hidup dengan riang gembira ni, jom la kita berbuat baik banyak2, sembahyang banyak (walaupun kadang2 ter-miss..hehhe), kurangkan kontroversi tingkatkan prestasi! (Pinjam Melodi punya cogankata...hihi).

Dengan itu,..adioss!! Biiiiisuk kita jumpa lagi!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another Friendship Award

This is from Mrs Michelle Tan..hehhe..tengkiu so much ya..i feel we are closer than before. The satisfaction, support and courage that we get from blogging is so unexpected. We love, share and care through virtual world, not necessarily to see each other but yet we always can keep in touch...soooo good la..

i give back this to YOU and:
Del Pammie

Lets keep supporting and encouraging each other..

Monday, January 19, 2009

Just a short entry today. My mind is occupied with too many things..will do the 'award' tag 2mrow.
O yeah..class started already. Had one this morning but didn't give the students full lecture. From 24 students, only 10 turned up. ..biasa budak2 ni..masih honeymoon lg tu fikiran...tomorrow have one at 8.30am..the subject that i don't really ..hihi..nda pa la..demi anak bangsa..tetap ku ajar juga mereka..

That's for today.

Beloved Friends Award

in addition, what's without bloggers! hehehe... pla ni kan blogging..boleh memberi dan diberi award lg..thanks to nc and nadia for the award dedication ya..

And let me give back the awards to nadia and nc. let this award moves in blogging world i want to give it to all bloggers that so far i know:

*michelle Tan
*Del Pammie
*puteri Inuvung
*uncle toyong

and also to all fellow bloggers outhere. No matter we know each other or not. I think all of us deserve to receive this award.

Friday, January 16, 2009


WOW..just a tag but a tough task oo..okey, here are mine!

RULES: ~ Bold the statements that are true for you. Italicize the statements that you wish are true. Leave the fibs alone. Then, tag 5 people to do the same test~

* I miss somebody right now.
* I love vacation. (i wish i have money to go for frequent vacation)
* I bake a cake.
* I do not watch TV these days.
* I wear glasses or contact lenses.
* I love to play video games.
* I am married.
* I have tried marijuana.
* I still love with my ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.
* I have been in a threesome.
* I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
* I have changed mentally over the last year.
* I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.
* I curse.
* I’m totally smart.(God is the smartest!)
* I’ve broken someone’s bones.
* I’m paranoid sometimes.
* I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost,
* and scar-free.
* I need money right now.( need it badly!!)
* I love sushi.
* I talk really, really fast.(Sometimes talk fast is not acceptable, difficult to understand!)
* I am a millionaire. (how i wish i am a millionaire)
* I have long hair. (permed it last year and thinking to trim it short and rebonding it!)
* I have lost money in Las Vegas.
* I have at least one sibling.
* I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
* I couldn’t survive without Caller ID.
* I like the way I look.
* I am usually pessimistic. (i used to be)
* I have a lot of mood swings. (currently, as i'm moving to a new place nex month and leaving my hubby and baby in Sabah)
* I have a hidden talent.
* I have a lot of friends.
* I am currently single.
* I have pecked someone of the same sex.
* I enjoy talking on the phone.
* I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
* I love to shop.Enjoy window shopping. (but feel sad when found something u really want but no money to buy)
* I would rather shop than eat. (not to this extent)
* I don't hate anyone.(not hate, just annoyed because the person i talked on the phone juz now didn't say bye or anything to close the phone conversation (from polytechnic Johor)
* I am a pretty good dancer.
* I love sex.
* I have a cell phone.
* I believe in God.
* I watch MTV on a daily basis.
* I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
* I’ve rejected someone before.
* I want to have children in the future.(had one ody!)
* I have changed a diaper before.(My niece & nephew)
* I’ve called the cops on a friend before.
* I am not allergic to anything.
* I have a lot to learn. (especially about the new subjects that i will teach in Polytechnic)
* I’m shy around members of the opposite sex. (i used to, when i was around 13 till 18 years old)
* I have made a move on a friend’s significant other or crush in the past.
* I have tried alcohol before.
* I own the South Park movie.
* I would die for my best friend. (heyy..nobody wants to die early right! and we make friends not to die, but, if u r fated to die because helping a friend in need, that would be another case!)
* I love to chat (YM/MSN/etc.. (Can keep in touch wt my frens &)
* I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
* I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
* I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
* Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
* I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
* I am happy at this moment.
* I’m obsessed with girls.
* I’m obsessed with boys.
* I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
* I study for tests most of the time.
* I am comfortable with who I am right now.
* I have more than just my ears pierced.
* I walk barefoot wherever I can.
* I have jumped off a bridge.
* I love sea turtles.
* I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
* Plan on achieving a major goal/dream.(Especially in my career)
* I’m proficient in a musical instrument.
* I worked at McDonald’s restaurant.
* I hate office jobs.
* I love sci-fi movies.
* I went college out of state.
* I like sausages.
* I love kisses.(from hubby and baby)
* I fall for the worst people.
* I can’t live without black eyeliner.
* I don’t know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
* I usually like covers better than originals.
* I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake’s slither.
* I have ridden/owned a horse. (in my dream.hihi..)
* I still have every journal I’ve written in.
* I can’t stick to a diet.
* I talk in my sleep.(hubby told me)
* I wear a toe ring.
* I can’t stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
* I am a caffeine junkie.
* I feel sad sometimes.
* I’m an artist.
* I only clean my room when necessary.
* I am an adrenaline junkie.
* I love being happy.
* I am on diet. (diet doesn't means to reduce fat only, but oso to maintain and gain weight( i need this one))

Let me think of who to tag ya..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Decision with conscious mind

(NOTE: This entry should have been posted last Wednesday but only now i post it due to internet disconnection on that day.)

14th January 2009, Wednesday

Huh..finally this is my decision. I ACCEPTED the offer. It is a very though decision to make but i finally decided to accept it.


Tomorrow, i'll have a real 1 DAY RETURN TRIP to KL. Alone. Yeahoo..i'm gonna rock and roll tomorrow!

Just imagine, my flight is on early morning 7.15am 2mrw..flight back to sabah is at 5.15pm. I've to make my journey as fast as possible to Putrajaya and settle everything there before 3pm. Oh GOD, i hope 2morrow gonna be fine!

I never thought that early year of 2009, i'll have this kind of life. Something new for me and there are more unexpected happenings in the days ahead, for sure.

I also requested that my working date (supposed to be 2morrow) being postponed for 1 month period as i need time to find house in Pasir Gudang and it must be the nearest to the college. So hard because, the college's staff quarters are already full. So, yeah..lets see what happen 2mrw first..

GOOD LUCK to ME! (for tomorrow).

16th January 2009, Friday

Yesterday went smoother than i expected. I woke up at 5am to get ready and went to airport at 5.30am. Checked in and boarding at 6.55am. The aircraft departed earlier than the scheduled and arrived early also at LCCT. In fact, that was my second experience on board..(sian ba..baru 2 kali naik kapal terbang sampai sa lupa camana mo buka tu seat belt..hihi..nda tingu camana tu pramugari demonstrate ba..)

If u ever travel alone
, i'm sure how kind of feeling you experienced. Walk straight to your destination and ignoring the people around you. That was what i did yesterday as i was in need of hurry to get to Putrajaya Presint 1 to register and attend the briefing. The registration and taklimat started at 8.00am and i was already late.

But guess what, i went to the wrong place lagi..haizz.. I supposed to go to Presint 5, Putrajaya International Conventional Centre. (PICC)..hehe..nda tingu surat betul2 ba..registration dekat PICC, bukan dekat ofis Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. Luckily one of the kementerian staff being very kind to me and help me to get a cab to Presint 5...wah,,betul2 pengalaman ni..tapi kena bayar rm13 lg (metered taxi). Nasib la duit masih cukup..(dah la tadi bayar taxi 52.30sen! mahal juga la)

Arrived at PICC, the briefing was already started, but registration still opened. There were about 10 registrars at the counter and all of them were looking at me with smile (nasib bkn mcm nampak alien!) as if the expecting my arrival...hehe..ya la, sia la bakal pegawai yang paling lambat datang register..talked to them for a while before joining the others inside the hall..Siok pla jadi orang Sabah ni tau. Bila pg Semenanjung, mesti senang dikenali sebagai Sabahan or Sarawakian..Ada ja yang tegur 'dari Sabah ke or dari Sarawak ke? Nasib la nda kena recognized sebagai Philipino..hihi.

All ended around 1.30pm, called the taxi driver to pick me at 3pm..i took my time to walk around the PICC area, met several people who were kind as well and still when they approached me, this question is a must 'dari Sabah ke or dari Sarawak ke? hihi..

And today, here i am again..already with a clear mind, planning for the next journey to Polytechnic Johor Bahru..There are several things i need to clear as well at my current off ice) resignation letter (done, handed to CE just now), start packing and clearing my work desk and blablabla..

So, its confirm that i am resigning from my current college this month, and next month to start a new life at a new place, new people, new student and many more news.. at a new college: Polytechnic College Johor Bahru.-tempat baru di mana saya akan meneruskan perjuangan sebagai pendidik anak bangsa..uisehh...

Monday, January 12, 2009

What should i do?

What a surprise to me! Arrggghhh...why?why?..

Today, with the spirit of 'yeayy mau balik sudah' as the clock is almost turning to 5.30pm..Christ (our office receptionist) gave me an envelope sent through POS LAJU from KEMENTERIAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI MALAYSIA. i didn't expect anything that will surprise me because i'm sure that the letter is only a notification that i failed my interview. Well, actually last December, i attended an interview for a post of lecturer in Kolej Politeknik(i acknowledged that i will be posted to any polytechnic college in Malaysia). The interview was 's***' because one of the interviewer was a lady and were moody and i hundred percent confident that i failed.
But, guess what? wowoww..the letter in my hand stated this "ARAHAN MELAPOR DIRI BAGI JAWATAN TETAP PEGAWAI PENDIDIKAN PENGAJIAN TINGGI GRED DH41". Melapor diri pada 15hb Januari 2009 di Politeknik belum habis fikir..mau pigi atau tidak...Perasaan sa tidak tentu arah sekarang ...haven't told my hubby yet...arghh..will think of this offer on the way home..and give my final decision baby..what to do? arggh....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Waves to 2008 and Welcome 2009

Finally, the year 2009 is here..and today is the 9th day of it. Perhaps, some people are still waving to the year 2008,like i do. There were many things that still on 'pending' status and need to be brought forward to this year..(tapi hairan, saya juga tidak pasti apa perkara-perkara yang saya maksudkan)..sigh..('_')..

While others are busy setting their resolution(s) for the year 2009, i am still wondering what are mine instead..but, i've decided to not to have resolution(s) like what i did last year. I personally, do not even feel any difference between 2008 and 2009. May be because, i live my life the same way like last year..(i think, that's the reason!)..

Bah..sal (thanks for tagging me!), br hr ni sa mo buat tu tag 'I AM GRATEFUL because' 2008:

My family of TWO became THREE with the presence of 'Daniel Jeconiah', our 8 months baby boy. That means my title as 'a wife' now been upgraded to 'a mom' and so proud of it!
(the most significant thing that i am grateful for!)

in 2009:
Celebrated it at the hospital ward because my little prince been hospitalized on 31st December 2008 (early morning) due to diarrhea and vomiting. Not a good ending of year 2008 and beginning of a new year but i am still grateful because he has been discharged on the afternoon of 1st January 2009.

In fact, there are many more things that i'm grateful for, too many to mention. God's blessing to me and everybody will never stop and countless. So, lets just live everything to God to handle as our life is in HIS hands.

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