Date of visit: 30/3/2011
Location: Sabah Tea Garden, Kg Luanti Ranau.
It is part of the semester break activity for the mute and deaf students. Diorang pun mau juga enjoy ba kan. Lagi pun ramai dari negeri lain terutamanya Sarawakian yang last semester sudah.
The whole visit was great and ada 2 info yang saya rasa worth to share :
Number 1. According to the guide if you want to examine either the tea is in its original colour or not, use cold water (room temperature). If the tea is coloured (untuk penjimatan la tu) the added colour to the tea usually dissolve faster in the water but if no colouring added it takes one or two minutes to see the colour (black tea of course) dissolve in the water..Naa..kalau beli teh, berhati2 la ya..jangan beli yang kena tambah warna. Untuk jangka masa panjang tidak baik untuk kesihatan, bilang itu guide.
Number 2. Kalau mau uji lagi..guna tisu pun boleh. Basahkan tea yang mau diuji tu, then letak di atas tisu. mana-mana teh yang diwarnakan akan menyebabkan tisu berubah dengan cepat mengikut pewarna.
The Sabah Tea Garden - as far as the eyes can see..sorry for the low quality of picture. Camera nda canggih kan. Tapi pemandangan memang cantik..
The tea-ready to be packed. Visitors are not allowed to enter the packaging room for hygiene purpose. Naa, biasanya pada tahap ni la warna ditambahkan kepada teh sebelum dipek.
The excited faces of the student upon departure from polytechnic.
1 comment:
wah best oo ni.. nampak tul budak2 tu kehappyan hehheh
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