Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Its Tuesday

A bit occupied these few days.

1. Registration of the new students for July intake which was held yesterday. There was one student i registered from Likas Sabah. But he's planning to move to Politeknik Kota Kinabalu soon.

2. Preparation for next week P&P (Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran) such as preparing the lesson plan, preparing the FRP (Fail Rekod Pensyarah) which is to be submitted this week to the Head of Dept. / Head of Course for 1st checking. I'm done 70% of it.

3. Orientation Week for the hospitality students, which is started yesterday till this Friday. Today is 'gotong-royong' at my dept to prepare the classroom for next week P&P, and in the afternoon is launching of the Orientation Week.

So, i guess there is no time for me to daydreaming this few days. Every now and then, its better to be occupied with office tasks then do nothing or else my mind will fly back to Sabah and start to feel down again.

That's for now. Cheers everyone and happy working!


nc said...

sibuk o ko kn,, bnyk keja mo buat

Evelyn Hiuboy said...

ya ba nc, muncul sdh jerawat sa ni. Mau pigi induksi 2 minggu mesti mo kasi siap semua yang perlu.

Ada senior lecturer cakap 'big salary comes with big responsibilities'..memang betul.

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