Our office today having a farewell party for two of our friends who are leaving for their good. They are leaving to serve the youngsters at their hometown.
Jom makan2...
Gud friends last forever..Ena, Liza, Yani, me..
Mr Rossie (Sarawakian) with his girlfriends..(*_^)
Thats all for the latest news. I have a big hope that early month next year will be my turn to say goodbye to this department.
Anyway, cant wait to fly back to Sabah. TODAY. Yiihaaaaaa!!!!!!
Please fly as fast as you could and bring me back to Sabah ASAP.
Thanks so much,
woi tak ajak. sedapnyeeer makanan
nampak food, trus lupa angie..hahaha..No. wait for me to be the KJ, for sure i'll invite u whenever we have party at ofis ya..heehe..
U know, got bubur durian also which i like vy much but, hv to control coz nak naik kapal ni petang. Ice cream pun ade..len kali ye kite ajak.
yeah... semoga dpt pindah balik kk kan.. gambate :)
lain kali.... kau mangkali dapat transfer....Balik KK!
Next year? U already apply & confirmed get place in KK?
May ur wish comes true!!! I wil pray for u...
Thanks very much for all your prayers ya!
Looking forward for that moment!
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